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Home Servercore Solutions Security

Servercore solutions security

We safeguard the security of your projects and applications with multi-layered data protection. Our products are developed in compliance with international security standards.

We ensure protection of IT systems and data at 5 levels

Monitoring the data centers territory 24/7

All Servercore data centers are protected from unauthorized access by CCTV cameras that record every entry into and exit from the building.

Security guards at the entrance to the server rooms

The buildings are equipped with turnstiles and security guards on duty. Visitors are required to present their passports and obtain visitor passes, which give them access only to permitted areas.

Constant monitoring of equipment racks

Servercore engineers monitor the data center systems around the clock and check the performance of the servers every 3 hours. A special notification system based on tablets promptly informs them about emergency situations.

Strict restriction of data access

Only authorized employees can access customer data after receiving approval through the internal system. Analytical data is provided in anonymized form and does not contain personal data.

Information security culture

All employees undergo mandatory training and testing to ensure understanding of security policies. The internal security team conducts regular phishing tests to check employee vigilance.

Training and implementation of new practices

We continuously train our employees and implement best practices in the field of information security. Our employees regularly attend conferences and are certified in information security.

Automation of settings

We use automation to manage network settings in order to reduce human error and ensure configuration consistency. When a Servercore network engineer makes changes, they are automatically applied to all devices on the network.

Restricting access to the management network

We isolate the management network from the internal corporate network. Only network engineers and technicians who maintain equipment can access network equipment management and monitoring functions. This reduces the risks of unintentional errors and unauthorized access.

Isolation of projects over the network and free DDoS protection

We offer three types of networks: Internet, local network, and private network of a global router. These networks are completely isolated from each other, which ensures that their operation will not be affected. Also, all customer projects are protected from DDoS attacks at the L3 and L4 levels absolutely free of charge.

Modular service approach in development

It allows us to localize and carefully design the logic of security-sensitive products. At the same time, we minimize the impact of changes within the product on its overall operation: they may affect only limited functionality. We completely exclude scenarios in which an update in the production system leads to failures.

Isolation of customer and service infrastructure

We physically and logically isolate the services we use to develop and deploy products from the services we provide to our customers.

Secure data deletion

We take great care in deleting our customers' data when they stop using our products. This process is automated in cloud environments.

Triple data replication for cloud servers

We store your data in a failover cluster of network drives. Each block is stored in three copies on different servers in different racks. If one copy becomes unavailable, the system will automatically switch to using the other two.

Regular pentests and protection against information leaks

Pentests simulate malicious attacks, allowing us to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities. Security experts are engaged for both internal and external audits. This is how we ensure that our control panel and other systems meet high security standards.

Use of encryption protocols and two-factor authentication

When users interact with our web services, all data is encrypted, ensuring its confidentiality during transmission and preventing leaks or unauthorized access.

Distribution of responsibilities between the customer and Servercore

Customer’s area of responsibility

Security and performance of custom applications and data

Selecting and configuring an OS for the project infrastructure

Monitoring the states of external ports

Initiation of resource scaling
and management

Saving data and backups

Servercore’s area of responsibility

Service with quick replacement of components
Providing Internet access
Setting up connections to the customer’s infrastructure and cross-connections
Microclimate and uninterrupted power supply in data centers
Network connectivity of servers
Physical security of infrastructure and data centers
24/7 technical support and individual treatment

Customer’s area of responsibility

Risk management

Security of custom applications and data

Selecting and configuring an OS for the project infrastructure

Monitoring the states of external ports

Initiation of resource scaling and management

Servercore’s area of responsibility

Ensuring stable operation of data center systems due to their multiple redundancy
Guaranteed bandwidth of 100 Mbit/s
Isolation of each customer’s infrastructure
Static publicly routed IPv4 addresses with support for transfer within the project
Maintaining microclimate and uninterrupted power supply in data centers
Compatibility with other Servercore products and services
24/7 technical support and individual treatment

Customer’s area of responsibility

Database connectivity

User management

Data structuring

Query optimization

Cluster scaling

Servercore’s area of responsibility

Selection of configurations to achieve better DBMS performance
Setting up DBMSs for specific equipment
OS installation
Software update
Configuring and maintaining a service network for cluster replicas
Automatic creation and storage of backups
24/7 technical support and individual treatment

Customer’s area of responsibility

Application creation and support

Managing Kubernetes clusters

Managing production nodes

Initiation of scaling and updating

Servercore’s area of responsibility

Deployment and availability of master nodes
Deployment of production nodes
Kubernetes cluster update
Monitoring master nodes
Possibility of autoscaling and autohealing of nodes
Data storage security
Integration with Servercore services
24/7 technical support and individual treatment

Availability zones and partner data centers

1 availability zone
  • Dedicated Servers
  • Cloud Servers
  • Managed Kubernetes
1 availability zone
  • Dedicated Servers
  • Cloud Servers
  • Managed Databases
  • Managed Kubernetes
TIER III Facility
1 availability zone
2 availability zone
  • Dedicated Servers
  • Cloud Servers
  • Managed Databases
  • Managed Kubernetes
Reliability level — N+1
  • Dedicated Servers
  • Cloud Servers
  • Managed Kubernetes

Servercore licenses and certifications

ISO 27001 certification

It indicates that:
— the information security management system of the iColo data center that hosts Servercore solutions complies with international standards,
— the security of the services provided is confirmed by independent auditors,
— the entry of your business into foreign markets will be significantly simplifed.

PCI DSS certification

It indicates that Servercore provides a high level of security, confirmed by an independent auditor. This allows companies to host their systems that process cardholder data.

PCI DSS requirements apply to companies that process payment card data, including banks, acquiring systems, and insurance companies.

Tier III Design certification from Uptime Institute

It ensures that in the iColo data center:
— infrastructure design documentation complies with Tier III Uptime Institute standards,
— multiple redundancy of communication channels and power supply is provided,
— the fault tolerance ratio is at least 99.982% (no more than 95 minutes of downtime per year),
— hosted services will operate even during scheduled repairs or power outages.

PCI DSS certification

It indicates that Servercore provides a high level of security, confirmed by an independent auditor. This allows companies to host their systems that process cardholder data.

PCI DSS requirements apply to companies that process payment card data, including banks, acquiring systems, and insurance companies.

ISO 27001 certification

It indicates that:
— the information security management system of the UZINFOCOM data center that hosts Servercore solutions complies with international standards,
— the security of the services provided is confirmed by independent auditors,
— the entry of your business into foreign markets will be significantly simplified.

Data network license

It confirms Servercore’s right to design, build, operate, and provide telecommunications networks.


It indicates that Servercore provides a high level of security, confirmed by an independent auditor. This allows companies to host their systems that process cardholder data.

PCI DSS requirements apply to companies that process payment card data, including banks, acquiring systems, and insurance companies.

Tier III Design certification from Uptime Institute

It guarantees that in the Sairam data center:
— infrastructure design documentation complies with Tier III Uptime Institute standards,
— multiple redundancy of communication channels and power supply is provided,
— the fault tolerance ratio is at least 99.982% (no more than 95 minutes of downtime per year),
— hosted services will operate even during scheduled repairs or power outages.

Tier III Facility certification from Uptime Institute

It confirms that the Sairam data center undergoes regular independent audits for compliance with previously certified project documentation and meets the requirements of Tier III Uptime Institute.

ISO 27001

It indicates that:
— the information security management system of the Sairam data center that hosts Servercore solutions complies with international standards,
— the security of the services provided is confirmed by independent auditors,
— the entry of your business into foreign markets will be significantly simplified.

Servercore products to solve your business tasks

Cloud Servers

Virtual machines that scale with your business

Dedicated Servers

Performance and control for businesses that need high power

Managed Kubernetes

Effortless container orchestration for your applications

Managed Databases

Scalable and reliable data management in the cloud